Just an idea what to expect with massage plus a few tips on how to prepare.
Before Massage
Preparing for your first massage. Make sure it is booked in a time that is convenient for you. A time when you don’t have to rush to get to your appointment and when you can relax afterwards. Also notify your massage therapist if you have any skin irritations (such as sunburn) or have a fever, a cold or other illness or injury, or if you are trying to stabilize your medication, as this can effect your outcome of your massage.
Make sure you drink plenty of water!! Being hydrated is very important to help assist with the massage. Enabling all of the toxins to be removed from your body.
Don’t eat a large meal before your massage: you don’t want to be uncomfortable lying on a full tummy.
Give your health history: Have a discussion with your therapist about any medical conditions, areas of concern, your level of pain or discomfort, what helps reduce pain or what makes it worse. Most importantly you need to be honest. Your therapist needs to be aware of any of the above to make sure you get the very best out of your massage .
If you feel embarrassed about your body: Remember that massage therapists are professionals who are sensitive to possible client issues with touch and are non-judgemental about your body. So try not to worry.
Enjoy!!! Your massage is designed to give you an overall relaxing experience to help sooth your body and mind.